Jigsaw boosts training team with new appointment

Matt Baines Jigsaw Cleaning SystemsJigsaw Cleaning Systems has strengthened its senior team to lead a major initiative in training for the benefit of customers.

Matt Baines has joined the Preston-based business as learning and development manager, bringing a wealth of experience in training and education.

With more than 16 years’ in the industry, Matt’s expertise in training, technical advice and best practice, adds a new package of support for customers. He joins the company from Premiere Products.

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Blog: Changing market demands inspire innovation

When it comes to cleaning across the diverse facilities management sector, saving time, money and resources are daily demands faced by decision-makers at all levels.

By striving to meet these challenging cost-saving targets, it is important not to lose sight of the quality and advantages that new technology and models of working can bring.

Introducing new technology should always offer improved efficiencies which justify the initial expenditure on the equipment.

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